Fools2020... or not?

I'm sorry to say that despite my best efforts, I was not able to finish and release Fools2020 in time. Many things have contributed to this state of affairs - busy schedule, overall shortage of development time and resources, organizational problems, big changes in life and mental health issues, and the final nail in the coffin: the recent COVID-19 outbreak.

Because of the unstable development cycle and volatile requirements, the project has become a hard to maintain mess of spaghetti code. Everything is still heavily unfinished and hardly working, and many things would have to be redone from scratch.

However, it would be a huge waste to just throw everything away. I decided to release whatever I was able to make, completed or not, so the community can still have fun together. Everything is uploaded in raw form, with everything uncut.

Try to compile and see things running. Look for unused stuff. Imagine what the project could have been. Look through the source, insert some NotLikeThis comments. Investigate everything. Or even finish what I started. Maybe some day I will be able to see Fools2020 not as the creator, but as a participant.