TheZZAZZGlitch's April Fools Event 2019
Missingno., the Glitch Lord has invaded Glitch Islands, turning everyone's once peaceful life into a nightmare. Glitch tiles started appearing everywhere. Being exposed to intense memory corruption, people started behaving weirdly. There was only one away to avert the crisis - to defeat Missingno. and stop him from executing his evil plan.
Good thing we have you - the player! With your help, Glitch Islands can surely be saved. Visit each one of several different kingdoms - small worlds open for exploration, with unique quests to complete and new people to meet. Rescue all inhabitants that are under Missingno.'s possession, then defeat Missingno. himself.
Everything is based on the Pokémon Crystal engine - but no, it's not a ROM hack, that would be too easy. The world is contained inside specially crafted save files, which run custom code on the console via an arbitrary code execution exploit. Oh, and if you don't like exploring, fear not - there are some CTF-like GameBoy hacking challenges along the way.
Go forth. Earn points and achievements for completing certain quests. See everyone's progress online on the event site and battle for the top score!
Oh, never mind, the event is over :(
On April 23rd 2019, the official event servers have been closed, meaning that the game can no longer be played. If you still want to have some fun, there are two options for you:
- Community servers. Because the full source code of the event is now public, everyone can run their own server and keep the game alive! After a while, there's bound to be someone who decides to continue hosting Fools2019 for the community. Check out Stranck's unofficial server - you can play the game normally there.
- Compile and run it yourself. See the GitHub repository. Note: this is mostly an option for power users who know what they're doing, so I'm not going to elaborate further. Check out the README file for building instructions.
The final leaderboard
See the wrap-up video for user messages!
NieDzejkob | 1337 |
jfb1337 | 1337 |
pfero | 1337 |
ISSOtm | 1337 |
Runea | 1337 |
Darkshadows | 1337 |
Stranck | 1337 |
luckytyphlosion | 1200 |
ParzivalWolfram | 1200 |
odnetnini | 1200 |
Radixan | 1200 |
Muzuwi | 1200 |
KanMan | 1200 |
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm | 1100 |
Charmy | 1100 |
Cello2WC | 1100 |
sammo | 1100 |
Alrysu | 1100 |
8SomaCruz | 1100 |
Block57 | 1100 |
Blazephlozard | 1100 |
MrKyurem | 1100 |
glowbob | 1100 |
Affirmed | 1100 |
Kirby703 | 1100 |
euni | 1100 |
CSketch | 1100 |
Rossco | 1100 |
Picat | 1100 |
Squid Eevee | 1100 |
ACGyarados | 1100 |
Cotni | 1100 |
Thelegendaryhunter0 | 1100 |
raining_blood | 1100 |
double_neg | 1100 |
Delta | 1100 |
Bluceli | 1100 |
yodamerlin | 1050 |
Turnoverman | 1050 |
Adem | 1050 |
EnvyTheEnvious | 1050 |
BobDoleOwndU | 1050 |
Mechakhan | 1050 |
Tasos500 | 1050 |
Pk Insect | 1050 |
Blastblaze1 | 1050 |
AtomAKALostFossil | 1050 |
talcat | 1050 |
azum4roll | 1050 |
Bean Daddy | 1050 |
ü | 1050 |
Mr. Burguers | 1050 |
Torchic | 1050 |
JustHereForTheFun | 1000 |
Kendrel | 1000 |
FayriTayell | 1000 |
frozenLake | 1000 |
Arelsen | 1000 |
Storm @megaxard | 1000 |
Manuellotito | 1000 |
Blaki Rikouté | 1000 |
Femto | 980 |
357A | 980 |
PotatoesBasket | 930 |
AbdullahTrees | 930 |
Z | 880 |
jack_324 | 880 |
TheShadowEevee | 870 |
SabithaSuki | 870 |
aaaaaa123456789 | 830 |
Steveluvscows | 830 |
Rektar | 830 |
Cedsi | 820 |
MajesticSe7en | 800 |
Sghembo | 790 |
Sherkel | 770 |
keithPlayzStuff | 770 |
Koirv | 760 |
flor12344 | 700 |
Drioidown | 690 |
Gilbird | 680 |
Vaskritaya | 680 |
thomasynthesis | 660 |
Bottinator22 | 660 |
bobakanoosh55555 | 650 |
Azarokkusu | 620 |
PrismReverie | 610 |
toryno | 570 |
Captain Tudmoke | 570 |
DeafPixel | 560 |
Waldorf | 530 |
RST 38 | 530 |
TheOtakuGuy | 520 |
Link2006 | 510 |
FlowerSnek | 500 |
Sniping_ | 500 |
UraYukimitsu | 480 |
ZZTZZ19 | 480 |
gold lightning | 480 |
czikapu | 470 |
Toomanymareeps | 470 |
Dayan | 470 |
Owta | 460 |
Vuroja5 | 420 |
waterfell | 410 |
themichalos | 410 |
Garylaa | 410 |
MCModer31545 | 400 |
cognaso | 400 |
Hālian | 400 |
rejnka | 400 |
Mabi18 | 390 |
OdnetninI | 380 |
a | 380 |
Silver | 370 |
rahryanrah | 340 |
ElementalTem | 340 |
matlock | 340 |
Mistsofnowh3r3 | 320 |
HammerGuy | 310 |
Consair | 310 |
Attocia | 300 |
Drenn | 290 |
Spajker | 240 |
Perska | 240 |
kubapolish | 240 |
Validusername16 | 230 |
deew | 230 |
evolem | 210 |
patataofcourse | 200 |
gavros963 | 200 |
Ziggy | 190 |
Camerupt | 190 |
TRKingKoopa | 180 |
engieyoshi | 180 |
D | 160 |
Chatot | 160 |
warmCabin | 150 |
Soosele | 140 |
Tyty210 | 140 |
7NameSam | 120 |
Takoto | 110 |
PokemonFan1122 | 110 |
alexpowerup | 110 |
Shinwoir | 110 |
HeavyPodda | 90 |
TotallyNotT3mmie | 90 |
EulersApprentice | 90 |
CustomRestam | 90 |
SCMidna | 90 |
mattx | 90 |
Rbandboy | 90 |
Minim | 80 |
Techokami | 80 |
firedragon68 | 80 |
CrashingEchidna | 80 |
The_Nanobots | 70 |
FastKarz | 70 |
Distray | 70 |
Gloriousbees | 60 |
shawnj2 | 60 |
TVP8Polska | 50 |
LeCadreur | 50 |
Mateon1 | 50 |
pootis | 50 |
sandrodand | 50 |
cdetn | 50 |
fiztheancient | 50 |
mathfreak231 | 50 |
DevEd2 | 50 |
OldManHobo | 50 |
selenologist | 50 |
SonNeoKaku | 50 |
Ikumi Nanase | 50 |
krcsirke | 50 |
Super Maks 64 | 50 |
Fukosan | 50 |
quantumAssembly | 50 |
TayoEXE | 50 |
Sir Koala | 50 |
Scarlas | 50 |
FruityEnLoops | 50 |
El Barno | 50 |
Stupid_Internet | 50 |
DED | 50 |
willie43516 | 50 |
Lobsterhsaft | 50 |
⚡Nℽx๏ℽ⚡ | 50 |
ThunderAxe31 | 50 |
hdanb | 50 |
buttplug | 20 |
Fayne Aldan | 20 |
Mayo | 20 |
kai | 20 |
Nigger | 20 |
FurthestChunk | 20 |
blubb | 20 |
silent | 20 |
leo60228 | 20 |
qweqwe | 20 |
techinicabor | 20 |
Luna_Wellby | 20 |
i_lost_my_bagel | 20 |
Caro | 20 |
1024x2 | 20 |
baa1990 | 20 |
Kass | 20 |
xavimel | 20 |
Parakoopa | 20 |
oldrider | 20 |
aloevera | 20 |
swuff | 20 |
KSSBrawl | 20 |
DeliriumNoù | 20 |
ViolentSpikes | 20 |
Teshlun | 20 |
Victor4X | 20 |
danielh05 | 20 |
Sirius B YT | 20 |
No1129 | 20 |
Joeri_R | 20 |
Pef619 | 20 |
derpguy125 | 20 |
alessio | 20 |
boysanic | 20 |
MegaLuxray | 20 |
threlo | 20 |
gooddwarf | 20 |
RoLLa | 20 |
CoasterKing | 20 |
f916253 | 20 |
oysto | 20 |
Vicky | 20 |
tru | 20 |
r3muxd | 20 |
LK | 20 |
Shad the Great | 20 |
ыскуфьштпшткгыышфт | 20 |
zAndryZ | 20 |
_--__--_ | 20 |
tack50 | 20 |
arceus | 20 |
origineo | 20 |
AshIndigo | 20 |
44cpu7 | 20 |
DirtyCheater | 20 |
Shlotz | 20 |
shadowpikachu | 20 |
zodiac115 | 20 |
cyandigo | 20 |
Super_Sandwich | 20 |
skullface | 20 |
PikalaxALT | 20 |
Stor | 20 |
FZERO | 20 |
welp | 20 |
Heavpoot | 20 |
Scores below 0 are not shown. Also, no messages beyond what was in the video; that's because the lower in the leaderboards you go, the more of the messages are just spam links, profanity, inappropriate racial comments, generic XSS/SQLi vectors and so on.